My approach to therapy and counselling
My aim is to enable each client to explore and resolve issues in the way that suits them best personally. I believe that many of our problems stem from long-term over-adaptation to our external world with not enough attention being paid to the truth of our internal world. As a result we may feel we do not fit our skin or we may be living a life that is unfulfilling. Ultimately we can end up feeling stressed, depressed, anxious, angry, and fearful about a whole range of life situations.
As an integrative body psychotherapist I bring a range of theories and methods of practice to my work (gestalt, biodynamic, transpersonal, object relations). The body psychotherapy element recognises that often our psychological problems have immediate correlations in the body. The body is like a mirror of thoughts and feelings – we express our thoughts and feelings in how we move, how we tense up and contract, and how we relax and expand. Body psychotherapy pays attention to connections and disconnections between feeling and thinking, physical sensation and images, spontaneous impulses and patterns of relating. Body psychotherapy provides an opportunity for you to experiment and become all of who you really are – your body, your mind, spirit and soul.